Italian Trade Agency


The Italian Trade Agency-ICE is the Government agency that supports the globalisation of Italian firms, under the Ministry of Economic Development’s strategies. ICE helps to develop, facilitate and promote Italian economic and trade relations with foreign countries, focusing on the needs of SME, their associations and partnerships. ICE sustains Italian firms in their internationalisation processes and promotes the marketing of Italian goods and services, Italian investments, as well as the image of “Made in Italy” products worldwide.

ICE provides information, support and consultancy to Italian companies on foreign markets, promoting and fostering export and cooperation in all areas - industry, agricultural and agri-food, services, etc. - with the target of increasing their presence and making it more effective on international markets. ICE works closely with the Italian Regions, the network of the Italian Chambers of Commerce, business organisations and other public and private entities. ICE headquarters are in Rome, with a large network of offices around the world and acts as “Trade Promotion Sections” of the Italian Embassies or Consulates.

The Italian Trade Agency- London office helps to develop, facilitate and promote Italian and UK trade relations, focusing on the needs of SME, their associations and partners. ITA London assists more than 1500 Italian companies per year and, since 1947, promotes Italian products and services, Italian investments, as well as the “Made in Italy” image. ITA London, also, assists UK companies interested in investing in Italy and “Made in Italy” products.



ICE provides a wide range of services overseas helping Italian and foreign businesses to connect with each other

1. Identification of possible business partners
2. Bilateral trade meetings with Italian companies
3. Trade delegation visits to Italy
4. Official participation in local fairs and exhibitions
5. Forums and seminars with Italian experts


ITA- Trade Promotion Section of the Italian Embassy

Prince Frederick House 35-39

Maddox St.


M@il: [email protected]


ICE- Agenzia per la promozione all’estero e l’internazionalizzazione delle imprese italiane

Via Liszt, 21

Rome – Italy

Tel: +39 0659921

M@il: [email protected] ,